
  • No commitment
  • No sign up fee
  • Possible to pause
  • Checking in and workout limits

  • How do I check in at studios?

    When you arrive at a venue, you always need to scan the Bruce QR code to check in. When you scan the code, your visit is registered and you receive your entrance ticket. You always have to check in yourself, the staff at the venue cannot do it for you in their system.

  • When do I have to check in on a class?

    The check-in time is shown in the class description and on your booking. Arrive at the venue in time to avoid a late check-in or a miss. Some venues lock the door when the check-in time is over. If you arrive late at such a venue you cannot check in and you will get a miss. 3 late check-ins within 30 days will give you 1 strike. If you reach 3 strikes, you will be blocked to book new classes for 14 days, alternatively you can pay to unblock yourself for a fee. Read more about our cancellation policy here.

  • What happens if I don't check in?

    If you forget to check in, it counts as a No Show. If you get a No Show, you get 3 strikes and will be blocked to book new classes for 14 days, alternatively you can pay to unblock yourself for a fee. Read more about our cancellation policy here.

  • Is there a limit on how much I can work out?

    In Bruce there is a general workout limit of 8 check-ins per venue per month which includes both solo training and class bookings. Some venues are exceptions and have a limit of 1, 4 or 6 check-ins per month depending on the venue. Your visits reset for all venues on the 1st of each calendar month. Purchased visits are not included in the workout limit.

  • Can I buy extra visits to a venue after I reach my workout limit?

    Once you have reached your workout limit, you can buy additional workouts at the venue. You can buy as many extra workouts as you like, with the exception of a few venues where extra workouts are not available for purchase.

  • Solo training and booking classes

  • What does solo training mean?

    All training that is not instructor-led, for example training at gyms, swimming halls and climbing centers is called Solo training. For Solo training you do not need to book anything in advance, just check in during the opening hours listed in the app for each studio in the app.

  • How do I book a class at a venue?

    All instructor-led classes must be pre-booked in the Bruce app. Most classes can be booked 5 minutes before start. By activating the Bruce calendar subscription under settings, you will also see your booked classes in your calendar app.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

    Different venues have different cancellation policies. The time you latest have to cancel is shown in the venue description and on your class booking. You will also get a push notification before the latest cancellation time as a reminder of your upcoming class in case you need to cancel. A late cancellation gives you a strike. If you reach 3 strikes, you will be blocked to book new classes for 14 days, alternatively you can pay to unblock yourself for a fee. Read more about our cancellation policy here.

    If you cancel a purchased class before the latest cancellation time, you will get back the credits or cash you paid. A few classes at some studios are not refundable, which in those cases is communicated in the class description. If you have paid with credits and cancel late, you will get back the cost of the class minus a deduction of 5 credits. If you have paid in cash and cancel late, no refund will be made. If you get a No show, no refund will be made in either credits or cash.

  • What happens if I don’t cancel my booking and don’t go to the class?

    If you don’t go to a booked class and don’t cancel it, it counts as a No Show. If you get a No Show, you get 3 strikes and are blocked from booking new classes for 14 days, alternatively you can pay to unblock yourself for a fee. Read more about our cancellation policy here.

  • The class I want to book is fully booked, how does the waiting list work?

    Those on the waiting list for a class will receive a notification with 20 seconds intervals that a spot is available, then it is first come, first served to book the vacant spot.

  • Change, pause or cancel membership

  • Can I change my membership level whenever I want?

    Yes you can. When you switch to a higher membership level, a new payment month starts immediately. The days you have already paid for your current membership level are then deducted from the monthly cost for your new payment period. If you change to a lower membership level, you must wait until the current payment period ends, after that you will start paying for your new membership level.

  • Can I pause my membership?

    Yes, with Bruce you can pause whenever you want, except during the notice period. You have 2 pause periods and a total of 60 pause days per calendar year. You can distribute your pause days as you wish between your 2 pause periods. A pause period is counted as a started pause. If you end an ongoing pause, you will not get your pause period back.

    Deductions for paused days that you paid for are made in the next monthly payment. Your membership will automatically start when your pause period ends. Unused pause days cannot be saved for the next year. You do not get new pause days if you end your membership and restart it within the same calendar year. Any class bookings that occur during the pause period are automatically canceled (does not apply to paid passes).

    You can pause your membership in the app by going to Account - Membership - Pause membership.

  • What if I want to cancel my membership?

    When you end your membership, you have 1 month's notice. This means that you pay for a final month after your current payment period ends. You can use the membership as usual throughout this final payperiod. Example: If your payment date is the 15th of each month and you cancel your membership by April 14th, your last payment period will be April 15th - May 14th. If you cancel your membership on April 15th, your last payment period will be May 15th - June 14th.

    No notice period applies if you cancel your membership during the first month as a brand new member.

    You can cancel your membership in the app by going to Account - Membership - Cancel membership.

    You can't cancel your membership while it's paused.

  • How do I delete my account?

    To delete your account, go to Account > Log out > Delete account.

    When your account is deleted, all your user data will be anonnymized. Anonymizing a deleted user's data is an irreversible action and can not be restored. Only delete your account if you're sure you don't want to use it again.

  • Payments, receipts & preventive care

  • Is Bruce valid for occupational health?

    Yes, Bruce is valid for occupational health. If you live in Sweden, you can buy Bruce through the wellness portals Epassi, Benify, Söderberg & Partners and Wellnet. Read more here. Otherwise, you can give the receipts for your payments in the app directly to your employer.

  • How do I find the receipts for my payments?

    You will find receipts for your payments in the app under your account. If you want all the receipts bundled into one, reach out to our support and we will help you.

  • Can I buy a membership for a whole year?

    Yes, you can pay for a membership for a whole year! Just reach out to our support and we will help you.

  • Is my payment period the same as a calendar month?

    Your payment period and calendar month are not necessarily the same. Your payment period always starts on the day of the month that you started your membership. For example, if you start your membership on the 10th of a month, your membership will renew on the 10th of each month and run until the 9th of the next.

  • What if I want to withdraw my membership purchase?

    According to The Act on Distance Contracts and Off-Premises Contracts, a 14-day right of withdrawal applies. Please note that this only applies if you have not used your membership.

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